What is DPE?
The energy performance diagnosis (DPE) provides information on the energy performance of a dwelling or building, by assessing its energy consumption and its impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. It is part of the energy policy defined at European level in order to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and limit greenhouse gas emissions.
It is mandatory when the property is sold or rented in the real estate ad. It is purely indicative .
The diagnosis also includes recommendations that allow the buyer, the owner, the lessor or the tenant, to know the most effective measures to save energy : it is advice of good use and good management of the building and its equipment, as well as work recommendations. These recommended works are not compulsory : the DPE aims to encourage improvements in the energy performance of the building, not to oblige them to carry out works.
Caution: Do not confuse the DPE with any other diagnosis which does not meet the same requirements which could be proposed to you by professionals not certified to establish it.