Asbestos detection report
The Asbestos diagnosis has been compulsory since 1999. Asbestos is banned in materials because it is a source of respiratory diseases. This material is very present in many period buildings, whether industrial or residential.
Owners who have obtained a building permit before July 1, 1997, must provide tenants with a report on the location of Asbestos.
Its period of validity is unlimited, be careful, it is however advisable to have a new diagnosis carried out at each sale if you have carried out renovation work after having carried out the asbestos diagnosis. This work can effectively highlight materials or products containing asbestos that were not visible when carrying out the previous diagnosis.
In the presence of asbestos the diagnostician's report may recommend:
- either a periodic evaluation of the state of conservation of materials or products containing asbestos,
- either an in-depth risk analysis, in particular using dust measurements in the atmosphere,
- either corrective actions and precautionary measures which may go as far as work to contain or remove asbestos.

Additional information :
Regulatory texts :
Code de la santé publique : article R1334-14
Prévention des risques liés à l'amiante
Code de la santé publique : annexe 13-9
Liste des matériaux et produits à vérifier